Here are a couple of new pieces that will be at my June show at the Blue Whole Gallery in Sequim. The antique ink bottles in the still life settings are courtesy of my friend Linda O'Neill who is a fabulous calligrapher. I need to spend more time practicing calligraphy!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Will have new work to post over the weekend. Have been jammin' with new paintings, getting ready for a show at the Blue Whole Gallery in June and craving chocolate.
Welcome! This is a separate blog from my Skywriting page which features my aviation art. Here there'll be a focus on the other work that I do- landscape, still life, animals, florals, and even fabric art. Thanks for checking!
My husband and I live in the Pacific Northwest. Before moving here in 2006, we lived on Kodiak Island in Alaska for 23 years. There, I worked in an art gallery, commercial fished (only for a summer), and taught art at Kodiak College for nearly 18 years. My specialty is aviation art, and I am a member of the American Society of Aviation Artists, the Canadian Aviation Artists Association, NorthWest Air Force Artists and the Coast Guard and Air Force art programs. I have won some cool awards from places like ASAA, Simuflite/Flying Magazine and Aviation Week and Space Technology and have done some work for Alaska Magazine, Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association and the Alaska Airmen's Association. I love painting airplanes, but find doing occasional still life and landscapes a fun diversion. Additional diversions are singing with a Sweet Adelines chorus and tap dancing. Boredom is not in my vocabulary.