Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Santa Indeed!

Last week I went over to the Seattle side again, this time to attend a performance by the outstanding Sweet Adelines chorus, Pacific Sound. I sing with a  Sweet Adelines chorus as well, the Grand Olympics Chapter on the Olympic peninsula. Barbershop style singing is a style unto its own, and creating four part harmony a capella is challenging and fun. They had several quartets perform, along with some of the students from Lake Washington High School. It was a great evening of song and entertainment, with a special appearance by the most delightful Santa! I couldn't resist doing a sketch and then then taking some photos from which I did one small watercolor.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Drawing Jam!!!

Last Saturday my artist friend Deb and I attended the 12th Annual Drawing Jam at Gage Academy of Art in Seattle. With an almost three hour drive ahead of us, we left home at 0600 in order to arrive for the start at 9. Driving to the ferry in the dark, the Christmas lights on some of the businesses were beautiful, and being December, we were glad that the roads were dry. Gage is one of my favorite places to go, and I have attended several workshops there. People were arriving in droves and it looked like it was going to be a fun day. Deb and I wondered if we could last the whole 12 hours (probably not) or until 6 (hmmmmm.) While waiting in line, I saw Faye Castle, a wonderful artist from whom I took a journaling class last spring. It was fun to see her and get caught up on what we've been up to. The entire building- three floors- had multitudes of subjects to draw- figures (musicians, actors, dancers), still lifes, florals, plaster casts, you name it! A large gymnasium area was set up with tables, vendors and more figures for gesture drawing. We staked out territory, but there was just too much for me to hold still. While traveling back and forth between buildings I spotted some PIRATES who had come to be models. I grabbed Deb and said "Let's see where these guys are going to be." We found them on the third floor and made our way to the front of the room to get a good spot where we could draw. They were from and were a hoot! Way too jolly for pirates, if you ask me, but so very interactive with a lot of expression. They have graciously consented for me to post my drawings of them here. None of the work I did that day will be for sale. Although I will use the drawings to make more drawings, they are all for the purpose of improving my skills. I have to get up the courage and ability to draw on location and the only way to do it is to jump in at the deep end. It does help if people aren't moving around so quickly, but with practice comes the skill of capturing the moment. In the meantime, here are my pirates. More drawings will come as I get time to post.