Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Added to

Adding a new piece to Three original watercolors framed all together in a cherrywood frame. Chocolate! Oh, Go Ahead! This item can also be purchased through my website,!/108880

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Wow! The new work on is pretty cool! The site serves as a search link and work shown connects back to my blog/website for more information or purchase. Thanks to Carol Marine and her family for this great art marketing tool! Meantime, here's a copy/paste that does something- I forget what- that enhances visibility. I widget, I think.......

Monday, December 10, 2012

New Small Images Now Available!

Well, let's try something new! Working two blogs is an adventure- and they are not always current, but a recent ad in Professional Artist Magazine has prompted me to gear up Beyond Skywriting again to incorporate some small works of art that aren't on my regular website. It may take a day or two to get set up, but I'm eager to try to connect with other artists and perhaps have a market for some of these little paintings. Feel free to contact me for more information.

This is Santa Opening His Pack. An original watercolor, the size is 5x7 unframed. Auction Item on $5 for postage will be added, shipped USPS within Continental US only.

 Cream Falls to the Bottom is an original oil painting, image 5x7, framed (overall framed size is about 9x11) and ready to hang. Auction Item on $10 for postage will be added, shipped USPS within Continental US only.

 Pine Cone with Red Ribbon is an original watercolor, image size 4x6 unframed. Auction Item on $5 for postage will be added, shipped USPS within Continental US only.

Fixed price items on Daily Paintworks.........

 Breakfast of Champions, original oil painting, image size 8x10, framed and ready to hang (overall framed size is 12x14). Price is $95 + $10 postage, shipped USPS within Continental US only.

Coffee Break is an original oil painting, image size 5x7 unframed. Price is $35 +10 postage, shipped USPS within Continental US only.

Monday, March 5, 2012

New Thoughts

My first thought is to wonder how time gets away from me. That being said, the answer is probably that I spend more time conversing on Facebook since it's so interactive. A recent post by a friend in Anchorage brought what amounted to a firestorm of comments. She posted a photo of an empty toilet paper roll with a full roll sitting on top of it with the question that went something like, "Why am I the only one who knows how to do this?" There were a lot of comments, primarily indicating that this is a similar circumstance in most households. They ranged from "Just change it! It only takes 3 seconds!" to "I'll get to it eventually." So what's important here?  When we lived in Kodiak, Alaska, fishermen getting ready to head out for the season would sweep the shelves clean in the grocery stores to stock their boats for weeks. This meant staples- all of them-would be in short supply until the next barge arrived from Seattle. There are countries that don't have toilet paper at all. The importance of so simple a question leads me to wonder as well how much time we all spend pondering things that do- or don't- matter and to figure out a way to recognize what's truly worth the time it takes to get excited over- what? I'm glad my friend posed the question, glad for the fun exchange of comments, and even more glad for an opportunity to come up with an attempt at humor with a little sketch.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Resolution or Bucket List?

We are blazing our way into the New Year and I am still trying to get caught up with the Christmas cards I haven't answered yet. Being in a Sweet Adeline chorus means performing at various venues for the entertainment of others right through to Christmas. Then there was the painting deadline for the Coast Guard Art Program (January 3) along with preparing for a solo show in February, one in August, the Air Force Art due in also in August, our chorus competing in April and the American Society of Aviation Artists Forum in June. Managing to get out of balance and fight off a cold slowed me down a little, too. When we lived in Alaska, I taught art at Kodiak College, sold my work at holiday bazaars and worked part time at an art gallery, so the retail aspect had me "performing" so to speak, there as well. As I contemplate 2012 both on this blog and my companion blog, Skywriting, I attempt to formulate what I want to see myself accomplishing in the next 11 1/2 months. I'm reading a book called "In Search of Balance: Keys to a Stable Life" by Richard Swenson. While I was quite ready to jump in and find those keys, the first quarter of the book explains quite nicely how we came to be in a place where we even seek balance. Progress, my friends, right here in River City. Well, everywhere. Progress has led to more choices which leads to more things to do/have. I am now in the chapters that explain how we, and the Universe, seek order- and balance. We are, as Scripture tells us, "fearfully and wonderfully made." The body's make up is mind boggling. Yet we are created to seek homeostasis- balance. Wellness. Okay. So how does that relate to New Year's Resolutions vs. Bucket Lists? There are things that get on my Bucket Lists that may or may not come to pass. Whether I have the passion to pursue them will determine their outcome. Resolutions, on the other hand, can be simpler and more achievable. I have resolved to exercise more. Not every day. Just more. I have resolved to be a better singer. With the help of a voice coach, I am now singing better than I ever thought possible, and he has me looking at  short term and long term goals. Singing, like drawing, can be learned. While it can't be disputed that there are indeed people who catch on faster, or seem to have "talent" there is still the possibility- POSSIBILITY- that one can learn techniques that will enable them to enjoy and achieve satisfaction from a particular activity.  A lot depends on passion. Case in point: I did not have the passion to pursue a flying career, although I do have an understanding of spacial relationships. When you push the stick forward, stuff gets bigger. When you pull the stick back, stuff gets smaller. If you pull it back too far, your airplane will stall and stuff will get bigger in a hurry. I have no desire to put up with that. So I will create paintings of airplanes- and other things- instead. A friend recently shared a quote on Facebook by Robin Sharma that states: I'd rather have average talent with a fierce heart that inspires me to be unstoppable versus being brilliant- but too frightened to do anything with it. If something is on the Bucket List and it happens, how cool will that be? But for now, Resolutions pursued with a fierce heart that inspires me to be unstoppable are what make me incredibly happy.